‘Area 14D’ is a 3200 Sq.ft (Ceiling height 12ft.) full-service production studio located In east Hong Kong island- Open for rental.

8折優惠!! 商業大廈 獨立單位 全新裝修 冇柱位 適合舉辦 (大型講座 會議 公司培訓 交流會 課程 工作坊 記者會 產品介紹會) 24hr Venue Rental Service, Perfect for ( Seminar, Course, Meeting, Training, Workshop, Press Conference, Product Launch)- Full House
教學進修 / 課室出租Full House Venue

We like to take the time to learn as much as we can about your cats background, environment and lifestyle before discussing their needs.
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital

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八成新,醫療電動醫療床,連床褥,拉手架, WHOLE SET -ALPHA 電動5功能可倾斜康愎床 79 x 38 x 8 - 29.5 (缩中) -Demark ABENA 床塾34 x36 附18 謢翼 -4摺阻燃床褥,76.5 x33x3 -BED-CPS 康愎床拉手架

If you are thinking about how I can get Netflix then It is very easy to sign up and It can be downloaded from any browser mobile device, smart TV, or compatible set-top box. If you are facing any prob
r手機電腦互聯網 / 網絡richardrussel97

本人有廿多年會計經驗,熟悉各行業運作,例如製造業,補習社,髮型屋,加工廠,建築工程、出入口、飲食、工廠、美容院等等。能處理有限公司、無限公司各類帳目,中英文皆可。現提供會計外判理賬 (freelance accounting service),日常會計入賬,根據客戶的要求,提供 按月 或 按年 的財務報表

本公司Joy Wonderful 現正招聘Customer Service

主要範圍: Business Mgt, Human Resources Mgt, Tourism, Project Mgt, HK Law, Building & Construction, Education, Marketing & Advertising, Psychology, Nursing, Medical, Housing Facilities Mgt

Hong Kong-based Big Data Analytics service provider, offering one-stop data services, such as Data Consultation, Data Platform, Machine Learning, and Predictive Analysis...
V商業 / 顧問Video Hong Kong

提供以下服務:💅 九龍港島上門美甲服務Door to door home service manicure& pedicure KLN&HK island 或你上我門美甲 上環自設工作室 距離上環站2分鐘路程 環境乾淨衛生 可卸式手部及腳部甲油膠 soak off gel hand & foot 不可卸式手部及腳部硬膠 hard gel hand & foot
T美容 / 美甲That's Nail studio

單次收費 明碼實價 專業醫美團隊提供一站式醫美服務包括皮秒激光 / 膠原槍 / HIFU /無針埋線 /燒脂針 / 少女針 / 女神冰冰針/BOTOX/SIAX/JUVEDERM/ELLANSE/SCULPTRA/RESTYLANE/DERMAVEIL/PDO埋線提拉術/導管倒勾玫瑰線提拉術/SAXENDA減肥針/水光注射/背部去印療程/果酸換膚等等

😷 3-ply Medical face mask 💕 Ship from Hong Kon 🔹PFE>95% or 99.9%🔹 🔸BFE>95% or 99.9%🔸 ✅International standard: EN149:2001💊FFP1✨FFP2⭐CE0194🚨N95🚑

😷 3-ply Medical face mask 💕 Ship from Hong Kon 🔹PFE>95% or 99.9%🔹 🔸BFE>95% or 99.9%🔸 ✅International standard: EN149:2001💊FFP1✨FFP2⭐CE0194🚨N95🚑

註冊電業承辦商,一級水喉匠,並提供電力工程 Electric Work,水喉工程 Plumbing Service,冷氣工程 Air-conditioning,緊急維修 Emergency Service,其他 Other Service等服務。
家居 / 通渠及水電工程日昇工程公司

Sunrise medical Q100R 高質電輪椅, 適合室內室外,載重95公斤,小巧54厘米闊,101厘米長,可上斜坡路肩,椅子可升高,電池強充一次電可行31公里,行走穩定,容易控制。9.2019買入,用了才幾次,原價32,000.-現售20,000.-適合老人和殘障人士使用。保養期未過。 https://www.sunrisemedical.co.uk/q100r 有興趣請聯絡譚太

Sunrise medical Q100R 高質電輪椅, 適合室內室外,載重95公斤,小巧54厘米闊,101厘米長,可上斜坡路肩,椅子可升高,電池強充一次電可行31公里,行走穩定,容易控制。9.2019買入,用了才幾次,原價32,000.-現售20,000.-適合老人和殘障人士使用。保養期未過。 https://www.sunrisemedical.co.uk/q100r 有興趣請聯絡譚太

2015 Volkswagen Polo 1.2TSI -very Low Mileage • Only 19,000km, Excellent Grey Body • Full service record at VW dealer • Always in covered garage, Direct owner sell • Pls Whatsapp/Text/Call 96858005

專業治療師團隊度身訂製個人療程 RAISE 透過結合美學與科技,配以安全有效的醫美技術,將客人獨特的自然美呈現。 RAISE MEDICAL BEAUTY承諾: ✔ 明碼實價,絕無隱藏消費 ✔ 絕不硬銷,否則原銀奉還 ✔ 所有儀器及用料原廠正貨 ✔ 優質服務,24小時內專人回覆 ✔ 為客戶提供7天冷靜期保障
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